a Free Speech Films production
Vietnam Changed
My Life
Vietnam Changed My Life is the working title of a new documentary film, now in production by veteran documentarian, George Bogdanich. The film features veterans speaking from a perspective of fifty years later about a bitter and divisive conflict that changed their lives. They describe deadly battles like the Tet Offensive and Hamburger Hill, as well as their return home without a welcome from a country that had turned against the war, treating them with indifference and sometimes hostility.
Most served honorably and often at great peril. Their stories deserve to be told.
Watch the Trailer on YouTube
Check out our extended trailer for the documentary film Vietnam Changed My Life. This preview of the powerful stories of Vietnam veterans that has generated very positive feedback from leaders of veterans groups and filmmakers.
Mike Thomas, former Commander of a Disabled American Veterans (DAV) chapter, called it “haunting, compassionate, moving.”
Melissa Ziobro, a military historian who teaches a course about the Vietnam war at Monmouth College said the trailer was “wonderful”
As we gear up for the next phase of production, we are looking for individual donors to help us meet a $25,000 matching grant from a small foundation. Your contribution, no matter the size, will go a long way to helping us tell the stories of those who fought in Vietnam more than five decades ago.
I met Mike Chiarodo another Marine at a meeting of the Disabled Veterans of America (DAV) in Valparaiso which fought to get him disability pay. He remembers his combat experiences from 50 years ago like it was yesterday.